We have invited the following guests to talk with our community during the 2024-25 year about conditions and stages of development that shape children’s growth. These speakers will explore what children may be processing about their social and emotional lives and identities, equip us with the language we may need to better understand the complexity of our children’s lived experiences, and discuss ways we can better support them. Please watch your inbox for event invitations.
Dr. Nita Farahany - POSTPONED
How Emerging Technologies Impact Our Daily Lives...and Our Children's
Author, The Battle for Your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology
A conversation with professor and leading scholar Dr. Farahany about the social, ethical, and legal implications of emerging technologies on our daily lives and what this means for our children, followed by Q&A.
*This event has been postponed and a new date to be announced
Tuesday, December 10 - Drs. Tina Payne Bryson and Daniel J. Siegel
The Power of Showing Up for Your Children
Authors, The Power of Showing Up: How Parental Presence Shapes Who Our Kids Become and How Their Brains Get Wired
A keynote address by Drs. Bryson and Siegel on the importance of consistently showing up for your children as a predictor of their happiness, success, and ability to develop meaningful relationships, followed by Q&A.